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Understanding Spacetime and its Curvature

Space and time are not two different entities they are fused and considered as one, according to Special Relativity, called Spacetime. In previous post i said that Gravity is the result of spacetime. Now, i will put some light on this idea of General Relativity, that how it works.

Spacetime is a fabric of universe in which all bodies moves. Matter curves the spacetime, And if there is no matter, that spacetime is called flat spacetime. Suppose that a body is moving from A to B in straight line in flat spacetime. If there comes a curvature in spacetime due to any mass, then the path from A to B will also be bend in the same way as Spacetime is bend.
Think Spacetime as trampoline, if i put one ball on trampoline, it will be bend, and if i put a small ball in motion around that ball, that ball will follow the path of trampoline (just like revolving around that big ball)
Using this Idea, i will explain motion of Earth around Sun.

Our sun curves spacetime, if there is no sun then Our Earth would be moving in straight path, but since it curves spacetime as shown in pic, the earth follows the path of space-time and hence it seems to be revolving around earth but actually Earth is moving in straight line, but the thing on which line is made is curved.

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